
Physiotherapy is More Beneficial than Medicine or Other type treatment



Nowadays only surgery and medicines are not the only solution for patients with many physical problems. But Physiotherapy is the most effective and trending treatment also.

Physiotherapy treatment may include exercise programs, manual therapy, electrotherapy, and education about injury prevention and self-management.

How Physiotherapy is a better option than other types of treatments?

  • In this type of treatment, no medicines are consumed or maybe a little.
  • It does not involve surgery
  • Physiotherapy has almost no side effects.
  • Treatment would be done only on the affected part of the body.
  • Advanced medical equipment used for treatment.

In Which condition Physiotherapy helps?

Paralysis/strokeLow back pain / Slip DiscSports injuries
cerebral palsySpondylitisobesity
Parkinson diseaseFrozen ShoulderDeep vein thrombosis
Head InjuryosteoarthritisCough collection in chest
Facial/Bell’s palsyMuscular dystrophyPre & Post delivery complications
GB syndromePost fracture stiffness & PainPostural problems
Motor Neuron DiseaseMuscles CrampsDiabetes


  • Time-consuming: Physiotherapy can be a time-consuming form of treatment, requiring multiple appointments over a period of weeks or months.
  • Cost: Physiotherapy can be expensive, particularly if it is not covered by health insurance.
  • Discomfort: Some physiotherapy techniques, such as massage and stretching, can be uncomfortable or even painful.
  • Limited availability: Physiotherapy may not be available in all areas or may have long wait times for appointments.

Overall, physiotherapy has many benefits and can be a highly effective form of treatment for a wide range of conditions. However, it also has some potential drawbacks, and it’s important to weigh the pros and cons before undergoing treatment.

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